BBQ Pork Ribs

* Not image of ribs from recipe - need to take one next time :-D

Easy BBQ Ribs


      • 3-4 lbs. country style ribs (boneless)
      • 1 lg. bottle BBQ sauce
      • 1 thinly sliced onion
      • Brown sugar
      • Garlic powder (I used actual garlic, several cloves, split between the two sprinklings)


  1. Place ribs in 9 x 13 inch pan.

  2. Sprinkle with garlic.

  3. Bake at 400°F for 45-60 minutes.

  4. Remove from oven & lower oven temperature to 250°F

  5. Drain fat from meat. Sprinkle with a little more garlic and brown sugar to taste.

  6. Pour BBQ sauce on top with thinly sliced onion.

  7. Bake 3 more hours at 250° F, being careful not to over cook.